Assisting Scouts Along Their Journey
Scouting provides boys and girls self-confidence, ethics and values that will stay with them throughout their lives.
The Houston Museum of Natural Science is proud to assist Scouting America and Girl Scouts along their journey of achievement and adventure!
Scouting provides boys and girls self-confidence, ethics and values that will stay with them throughout their lives. The Houston Museum of Natural Science is proud to assist Scouting America and Girl Scouts along their journey of achievement and adventure! At Scouts@HMNS, we inject excitement and education in everything we do. In the words of Scout Programs Manager Michelle Connor: “Each merit badge is educational. We enhance it; if need be we add to it, to explain what the requirement is… I want there to be a spark in even the most serious of merit badges. You’ve got to make something so that the kids are enjoying it. If they enjoy something, they’re learning it.” The HMNS Scouting Program offers badge classes for Scouting America and Girl Scouts, as well as enrichment field trips and events at HMNS facilities in Hermann Park, Sugar Land and Brazos Bend State Park, home of the George Observatory. Classes take place on Saturdays during the school year and in week-long day camps during the summer.

Scouting provides boys and girls self-confidence, ethics and values that will stay with them throughout their lives. The Houston Museum of Natural Science is proud to assist Scouting America and Girl Scouts along their journey of achievement and adventure! At Scouts@HMNS, we inject excitement and education in everything we do. In the words of Scout Programs Manager Michelle Connor: “Each merit badge is educational. We enhance it; if need be we add to it, to explain what the requirement is… I want there to be a spark in even the most serious of merit badges. You’ve got to make something so that the kids are enjoying it. If they enjoy something, they’re learning it.” The HMNS Scouting Program offers badge classes for Scouting America and Girl Scouts, as well as enrichment field trips and events at HMNS facilities in Hermann Park, Sugar Land and Brazos Bend State Park, home of the George Observatory. Classes take place on Saturdays during the school year and in week-long day camps during the summer.

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Scouts Program Manager
Scout Program Schedule
Scouts@HMNS is proud to present classes to help Scouts of all kinds and levels meet requirements for Merit Badges, Adventures, Badges, and more!