Packed with prehistoric beastsThe Hall of PaleontologyExplore ExhibitGet Tickets Open Today: 10:00 am – 5:00 pmPlan a Visit Adults $13, Children $10See Admission Nestled in Sugar LandDirections & Parking HMNS Sugar Land’s Spectacular Collections & Scientific DelightsAll Exhibitions SPECIAL EXHIBITIONWild WeatherNow OpenPERMANENT EXHIBITIONDiscovery WorksNow OpenPERMANENT EXHIBITIONHall of PaleontologyNow Open More To ExploreSPECIAL ATTRACTIONDig for Dinosaurs in the Dig PitDetailsPERMANENT COLLECTIONScience on a SphereSee DetailsPsst… Membership has Its Perks!Join us for exclusive, members-only discounts and opportunities throughout the year. Explore MembershipWays to Bring Learning to LifeEducators Families & Groups Supporters EducationPlan a Field TripFind immersive, quality education for students of all ages right here at HMNS.EventsRent the MuseumFrom birthday parties to weddings — HMNS can host your next unforgettable event.SupportMake a Gift TodayWith your help, we can spark a lifelong appreciation of the natural world.Members Get 10% OffObjects & Curiosities in the Gift ShopVisit the Gift Shop